Connecting Good Will With Worthy Endeavors

We provide support to those most impacted by patriarchy, racism, colonization and capitalism. We wish to reach those who are living in integrity with nature and each other in order to support them to pursue their purpose. We do this by providing housing, organizational support, or financial contributions.

Do you want to help but don't know where to start?

  • Funds Money Moola

    Money is not everything but it can have an exponential impact on progressing great ideas, hard work,  and golden hearts into the thriving benevolent organizations we all want more of in this world. If you want to support a specific fund listed on this website please say so in the comment section of the donation checkout. All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you!

  • Elbow Grease and Littleral Grease

    Many hands make like work. So do tractors. If you have physical stamina for planting and weeding, cooking and cleaning, or have tools and or heavy equipment and know how to use them, then you are wildly helpful. If you have good working equipment and or materials to donate you are truly a blessing. We encourage you to engage the organizations we are supporting directly

  • Knowledge, Wisdom, and Savvy

    If you have the hard-earned experience, the easeful secrets to success, and the tempered patience to share and empower others, then please consider supporting the projects you find on this site. Business planning, Legal, permaculture, solar, social media, and IT are among some of the most desired skills. If you feel moved to reach out to individual programs, please do. If you want to leave your name and description of what you have to offer in terms of time and knowledge please fill out this form and you will become part of a resource collective for these and future growing world changers.

purple flowerlight